sexta-feira, 6 de outubro de 2017

Mary John no catálogo White Ravens 2017

Uau! Que boa notícia!
A Mary John foi incluída no catálogo White Ravens 2017, uma seleção de 200 livros infantojuvenis de todo o mundo publicada anualmente pela Biblioteca Internacional de Literatura Infantojuvenil em Munique.
A edição de 2017 conta com obras em 38 línguas de 56 países.
Portugal está representado pelos livros "O convidador de pirilampos" (Ondjaki e António Jorge Gonçalves), "A cidade dos animais" (Joan Negrescolor), "Onde moram as coisas" (Pedro Ferrão e Marc Parchow) e "Mary John" (com ilustrações magníficas do Bernardo P. Carvalho).
Eis as palavras mui generosas que o júri escreveu sobre a "Mary John":

"In contemporary Portuguese young adult literature, the novels of Ana Pessoa (b. 1982) take up an exceptional place. The author is masterfully adept at describing the cosmos of maturing teens, with its challenges and dramas, turbulences, moments of happiness, disappointments, and catastrophes. She writes in an authentic language that captures the protagonists’ sense of life and closely orients itself to their pulse. In an astonishing way, her newest book does all this and more. “Mary John” sets itself apart from the author’s previous novels by its even more coherent storytelling, its undisguised, intense language, and the deep insight it offers into the emotional world of the protagonist and first-person narrator. Maria João, called Mary John, writes a single, long letter to Júlio “Pirata”, her first, unrequited love. She openly writes of friendship, longing, desire, and sexuality and the painful process of dealing with feelings such as rejection and loneliness. (Age: 14+)"

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